Blog Journal #10

 Data Collection Tools  

    As a future educator, I could see where data collection has its benefits. In statistics we used a lot of data collection tools for our assignments. However, as an aspiring English educator, I don’t see myself using many survey tools for course-related instruction. That being said, I don’t think surveys are useless in an English setting. I could use them to check in with students and see how they’re doing throughout the year. They could also be used for feedback on certain assignments so I can gauge their understanding of the materials and subject matter. I do think that is important for students to understand how to appropriately use and respond to surveys. 

Interesting Topics within Classmates Blogs  

    Reading through my classmates’ blogs has been an interesting and enlightening endeavor. It has provided me with a greater range of resources than I previously had coming into this semester. It was nice to read of their own, sometimes shared experiences with certain assignments that we did in the class. Sometimes we had similar struggles, and other times we all had strikingly different struggles. Moreover, this led me to realize that not everyone takes the same approach to things in life and that we all look at arising issues through our own lenses. Reading my peers’ blogs has helped me to better understand the diversity in knowledge and character that we all express through our individualism. 


Technology-Related Skills  

    I would like to learn how to use Adobe Photoshop. It just seems so fun and useful in any respect. I love digital design because it’s very versatile and can be used for a variety of things. I would honestly probably use it to make memes most of the time but that’s beside the point. I know that FSU students get access to the digital tool for free so perhaps I could practice using it to become more proficient in it. 


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