Blog Journal #8

 Web Design Project  

Okay so this project was a doozy. I had never designed a webpage in my life; to be honest, I had never even thought about designing one. Designing our project through Weebly was an interesting feat. It was difficult, initially; however, it progressively became easier. The only thing I didn’t like about the project was initial difficulty I had with Weebly; it was very frustrating. Once those issues were out of the way everything went pretty smoothly. I can honestly see myself creating a webpage in the future for my future students. I feel it is extremely beneficial for students AND parents to have that kind of resource available to them. Here is the link to my webpage if you’re curious.



I’m going to be quite honest, when I read the question attached to this blog assignment, I had no idea what Diigo assignment was being referred to. I went back and looked at my assignment history. And then I realized.... it was meant in a general sense (I think). SO! Speaking from a teaching perspective, I couldn’t see myself using Diigo with my students; however, I could see it being used among my colleagues. So far, Diigo has been really interesting. It’s really beneficial in communicating and keeping track of resources.


Technology Trends in Education   

Teachers are expected to keep up with new trends in technology and transfer that knowledge to their students. This tasks teachers with a lot of new responsibility which gets placed on top of their teaching obligations. However, it doesn’t have to be all bad. New trends in technology present teachers and students with new ideas and adds variety into the classroom. Finding the right resources can make learning about new technology easy. A resource I found which claims to present useful information to teachers keeping up with technology trends states that keeping up with trends is easier than most people let on.   


  1. Hey there, Tim. I have to agree with you, the website design was quite challenging, but by the looks of your website, you must have figured out the program. Your website looks great, and it is very aesthetic to the eye. On the main page, I love the picture of the book. To me, that is so mesmerizing to see! I enjoyed looking at the different pages on your website because they were so detailed. In addition, all of the font is the same so that limits distracts. Overall, I think you did a really great job designing your website!

  2. Your website design is really nice to look at! I think you did a great job catering to the class you chose, and your website is easy to navigate. I love the amount effort that you put into every page with the different links and details you added. Excellent job!


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